Sometimes, I'm really glad to be a PC gamer. This is one of those times.
In response to the constant hacking of the Playstation Network, Sony have decided that the best course of action was to ban users unless they forwent their rights to sue Sony if their information is hacked. Under Sony's plans, the users are required to speak to a Sony arbitrator before any legal cases can take place.
My worry is that a lot of people will agree to the terms without even glancing at the terms. Many clients won't even realise that the terms have changed. And what about the children who use the service, who have just accepted for their parents?
Of course, it means diddily-squat. Courts will generally side with the consumer over cases such as this, so Sony is simply trying to scare the ignorant with their 'legalese' and trying to ignore the fact that their EULA means nothing to the real law. Sony would be forced to give.
Of course, the true bad guys here are the hackers whose thoughtless actions have forced Sony to take such stupid measures.
Anyone else seeing a comparison to DRM here?
Credit: BBC News and Skrrp.