Tuesday, 13 September 2011

Blizzard store now selling WoW, Starcraft2 and Diablo 3 soundtracks

And not to forget yesterdays warriors before todays titans - the original StarCraft, Warcraft III and Diablo II soundtracks (amongst others) are also on sale!

Blizzard are known for making great soundtracks, even in the days of yore, so this should hopefully be able to fill some holes in your hard drive. And your heart and soul.

Personally, I do love the Cataclysm soundtrack. It has some of the most epic pieces they've ever made. It really shows how Blizzard have come on over the years and yet have managed not to lose their roots. Still, the original WoW soundtrack has a lot of meaning for me. The Dun Morogh theme is just breathtakingly beautiful, especially when paired with the stark beauty that was the old Dun Morogh.

Credit: PCGamer.