Thursday, 29 September 2011

Deus Ex DLC now available on Steam for those who didn't pre-order.

So for those people who weren't willing to pay the extra buck for their Deus Ex: Human Revolution game, the stuff that the rest of us got for free is now available to be bought on Steam.

Frankly, apart from the extra 10,000 credits and the automatic unlocking device, the stuff was pretty boring. The extra mission wasn't great, and I blew through it in about ten minutes, and I never used the weapons I got anyway. So far, so meh. I'm a fan of sneaking anyway, and I thought the shotgun might be a little bit unsubtle for my needs.

Still, the AUD is almost worth the price alone - there's a point in the game that I'm not even sure I could have done without one - so pick it up if you have the cash. If not, it's not gonna keep you up at night, so keep trying to get your achievements in peace.

Explodey stuff - £1.99.
Tactical stuff - £1.19
Both - £2.49

Credit: PCGamer.