Despite sounding like a slash fanfic mash-up,
Street Fighter x Tekken is looking better and better each day. Capcom's newest video details the storyline, characters, game modes... pretty much most of the game in fact. Why don't they throw in a few cheat codes whilst they're at it?
The trailer gives an overview of the storyline; super-duper thing box falls to Earth and researchers who know their narrative duty nickname it 'Pandora'. Because that can't go wrong. They find out that the box resonates with energy when it detects nearby conflict - how they figured that out I'm not sure; researchers don't tend to be the fighting type - and that obviously leads them to bring the cast of two fighting games together for a big punch-up. Yay for fighting game storylines! They think they're people.
The gameplay upshot of this is 'Pandora mode', both, an evil purple mode for your character (everything purple is evil, right?) and a new gameplay mode. In order to activate your Pandora mode, it seems you have to sacrifice a tag-team partner, something that leads to a massive boost in power.
Dragon Ball Z connotations aside, this looks to be something fun and something that should cause many friendships to be broken and controllers-related injuries should soar. Pandora mode is... erm, I think it's the gameplay mode where that happens. So sue me.
The aforementioned tagging system should be interesting, as the new 'Scramble Mode' puts all four players on the screen at once. It's this I'm really excited for, to be honest. I don't even own a console that can play this, but I'm seriously thinking of buying it for a friend's console. It looks that damn fun. Not since
Mashed has four-player looked so intriguing.
Oh, and a bunch of characters have been confirmed. According to this trailer, the newly characters are: Rolento, an army-type with a stick; Ibuki, a stereotypically cute female ninja; Heihachi, shame on you if you don't know this guy; Kuma, a bear. Heihachi's pet bear, to be exact; Zangief, the Russian wrestler and staple of the SF series; and Lili, a petite and spoilt American blonde who can inexpicably kick ass.
Damn, I haven't been this excited for a fighting game in... ever!
The Sixth Axis.